Photo Credit: lisafx /
7. Be Concise
One of the best ways to add clarity to your conversation about COPD is to be concise. When people feel nervous or uncomfortable, they tend to ramble. Forget about the idea that your long-winded delivery helps give detailed information. Too much information muddies the water making your message harder to receive.
Consider this general script sample: “I wanted to talk to you because I am sick. I have a disease called COPD. It means that it is harder for me to breathe. It makes me cough a lot, get dizzy and feel tired. One day, hopefully not for a long time, I won’t be able to breathe anymore, and I will die. I wanted to tell you because you are important to me and you deserve to know.”
It may seem blunt and uncomfortable, but it clearly states what’s going on and what will happen.
COPD is a disease based in the physical that spreads quickly to the mental. People with COPD are prone to developing higher levels of anxiety.